Researchers are developing a smart fluid that can be programmed
Nature Today |  Root pigs for butterflies
Lieven Scheire clashes with critical bakers at baking tent: 'I don't believe everything in science'
TomTom supports the Qualcomm Aware platform

TomTom supports the Qualcomm Aware platform

drum (Tom2), which specializes in location technology, will provide mapping data and APIs to Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a global leader in wireless technology and connectivity solutions, to support the Qualcomm Aware™ Platform. Qualcomm Aware™ is an innovative Internet of Things (IoT) platform that enables businesses and organizations to easily track…

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Major concerns over Marc Overmars' health: 'This is really sad' - Football News
What is the total amount of water that flows through all the rivers on Earth?  Scientists have now
Does black charcoal toothpaste whiten your teeth?
The Pope to priests: The church is not a synod unless the parishes are
Take control of your own health

Take control of your own health

Photo: Nico Neely Take control of your health: Under this title, personal trainer and trainer Nico Neely will give two lectures at the Merici Hotel. Nellie: “As a personal trainer, I teach entrepreneurs how to become and stay fit and healthy. I believe you can help yourself find balance mentally…

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American and Asian partners are expanding their military cooperation, while President Biden calls Japan and India “xenophobes.”